as a child we picture what our grown up life will be like. we pick our grown up job. our future home.
maybe even our future car. I always wanted to be a veterinarian and save as many animals as possible. my house was a mansion, with scrolling stair cases and a large library. and of course filled with cats, lots of cats. i would live close to all my friends and we would always go swimming my mansions pool. i would marry prince charming and life would be good.
now as an adult, I find myself picturing my childhood. now all these things are not make believe like how i would picture my life as a nine year old. I have been day dreaming of my how blissful and how quickly my childhood passed me by.
the wind is whipping through my long blonde hair as i run through the fields behind my house with my cousin close behind. we were playing cat woman (me,of course) and poison ivy, our version of cops and robbers. we were the good guys, and my family dog, Rolly, was the "evil" villain that locked up Batman. we could play for hours never tiring in the sun with the weeds crashing around us. or of how my younger sisters and I would play mermaids in our pool. and the big blow up shamu was the crazy monster trying to attack us.
another memory, of us girls (my sisters and mom) crowding around the dining room table smearing frosting and sprinkles on freshly made sugar cookies. trying to see how much we could actually put on the cookie without it breaking apart. and when no one was looking licking the frosting spoons... no one did that of course (Kelsey)... leaving the most beautiful creations out for Santa clause. then Christmas day waking each other up before the sun has taken its first breath across the horizon. tip toeing into our parents room and begging them to come and let us open our presents.
many family trips. many sleep overs with friends. many softball games and cheer-leading competitions.
so many memories. being a child was so easy as I look back.
i had a loving family. parents that taught me right from wrong.
coming into adulthood and seeing that i was fortunate to have what i did back then.
i work hard now for what i have and am proud for how much i have become a woman of christ.
i did marry my prince charming, and do not quite have a house full of cats.
but i am proud and happy with where i am at in my life.
life in general is hard, but my loving husband and family and all the memories we have made together has definitely made it bearable.
love you all.
the wind is whipping through my long blonde hair as i run through the fields behind my house with my cousin close behind. we were playing cat woman (me,of course) and poison ivy, our version of cops and robbers. we were the good guys, and my family dog, Rolly, was the "evil" villain that locked up Batman. we could play for hours never tiring in the sun with the weeds crashing around us. or of how my younger sisters and I would play mermaids in our pool. and the big blow up shamu was the crazy monster trying to attack us.
another memory, of us girls (my sisters and mom) crowding around the dining room table smearing frosting and sprinkles on freshly made sugar cookies. trying to see how much we could actually put on the cookie without it breaking apart. and when no one was looking licking the frosting spoons... no one did that of course (Kelsey)... leaving the most beautiful creations out for Santa clause. then Christmas day waking each other up before the sun has taken its first breath across the horizon. tip toeing into our parents room and begging them to come and let us open our presents.
many family trips. many sleep overs with friends. many softball games and cheer-leading competitions.
so many memories. being a child was so easy as I look back.
i had a loving family. parents that taught me right from wrong.
coming into adulthood and seeing that i was fortunate to have what i did back then.
i work hard now for what i have and am proud for how much i have become a woman of christ.
i did marry my prince charming, and do not quite have a house full of cats.
but i am proud and happy with where i am at in my life.
life in general is hard, but my loving husband and family and all the memories we have made together has definitely made it bearable.
love you all.
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